There is about $1,500 worth of dental work that needs to be done in Jonathan's mouth. 3 teeth that need "baby" root canals and crowns and several other fillings. We've been trying to get this done since the spring, with no success. Been to 4 dentists. After shunning the first one due to outrageous pricing ($1,100), we go the the next and he made the first look like the Blue light special at K-Mart. This is just the dentist portion of the bill, not including hospitalization, since both these guys refuse to do the work in office. Then we find out that Jonathan's insurance is going to be having a dental plan. And it's coming soon! This IS actually dental insurance, with only a $15 co-pay. Finally in June we we get the word that the dental insurance is in effect!
However the kicker is actually finding someone who takes the insurance. We did. Jonathan had his teeth x-rayed and cleaned and an appointment made for treatment. We had to cancel that appointment because Jonathan was sick. When I went to reschedule the appointment, the office staff told me that the dentist had decided he would not be able to work on Jonathan. At all. The end. They just will not see him because he has autism PERIOD.
Back to searching again, and I find a pediatric dentist in Knoxville. This dentist is nice and, unlike Dentist 1 and 2, he is willing to try to do the procedures in the office rather than the hospital. Another issue, because way back when Jonathan was 2, he had a terrible reaction to anesthesia, so I really do not want him to have anesthesia (like put under) for baby teeth!
Finally it was D-Day (Dentist Day...hahaha). I talked, prepared, cajoled, bribed and begged my son to behave. To do what the dentist asked, when the dentist asked. To be the best most self-controlled he's ever been. That it was of utmost importance. A new Lego set was in the balance.
Jonathan goes back to have the work done. I hear him loudly conversing with the staff. I ask the girl at the front desk to let them know that I was available if they needed me. Twenty minutes later I see the dentist in the office. He lets me know that they have to do the work in the hospital. That there is no possible way he can work on my son's teeth in the office. Hospital is the only way.
I ask him if I can go back. He lets me know that I'm welcome to, but he cannot do anything more for Jonathan in the office. I ask again and basically plead for him to give it another chance. To let me be with Jonathan during the procedure. He reluctantly agrees, but is sure it won't help.
I was able to help Jonathan, to sit by his side and help him to find self control. Not only did Jonathan cooperate, but he came through with flying colors, and the dentist is willing to do the rest of the work as long as I'll come back with j.
Hallelujah! I don't often brag about my ability to work with my son, but today I deserve a prize. I guess God knew what he was doing when He picked me to be Jonathan's Mom.
Never underestimate the power of a mama!!! I still remember meetings where school people would tell me I was not welcome because my son acted "silly" when I was around... they did not see all the other times they actually were able to work or test him because I was there...
ReplyDeleteBut before you do any root canals, on him or you, please reconsider. There are studies that show there is a correlation between root canals and cancer.
Praise GOD! YOU ARE AN AWESOME MOM! Not just because of the dentist issue, but because GOD blessed you with such an awesome child. HE knew that you could handle this situation. I have a 9 year old son,doesn't speak but can communicate via pointing, etc.. His dentist prescribed him a valium because he is so terrified, and I always go back there with him. I can only pray that this fear eases and he will respond like your son.