Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jonathan Got Published!!

A LONG time ago I remember receiving an email, and they asked for poems, stories and artwork from people with developmental disabilities. I sent something in Jonathan had "written" (he said it, and I typed it.) Today I get a book in the mail, and see that my 8 year old son got published!!! How cool is that?

The online edition is a PDF file you can see. His poem is on page 12 (though you might enjoy reading and looking at the rest of it!)


But in case you can't access that link, here is the poem in all it's glory!

I Love Butterflies

I love butterflies most of all.
Ladybugs crawl
Moths fly
Worms slither
Spiders tiptoe
And grasshoppers jump
Butterflies DANCE and are free
Like me.

Jonathan Ryan Cooper
Age 4


  1. Wow! Encourage him to write more!!!

  2. Wow, that's a lot for any 4 y.o. to come out with, esp a spectrummer!! Great job!
